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Hair loss is not easy to deal with for many men and women. It not just affects how they look and appear it also is a cause of stress for many. Everyone wants to stay and look young. With hair loss, even young people start appearing as old. If you are experiencing hair loss, don’t worry too much about it. First of all there are a lot of people like you. Secondly, it is not something which is completely incurable. Here are some ways you can prevent hair loss and if you are already experiencing hair loss you can treat it.

Before you go for any surgical treatment, it is advisable that you try out some natural, oral and external treatments. There are many non-chemical treatments available which have proven effective as hair loss remedies. There are many home remedies which you can try or you can go for Procerin treatment for men.

Home remedies

Use garlic and onion: Sulphur is an element which helps in the growth and regrowth of hair. Garlic and onion have high quantity of Sulphur and therefore they can be used as medicines to help regrowth of lost hair.

You can chop the onion into very small pieces and then extract the juice. Apply the juice on the scalp and leave it for some time. After a while wash your hair with shampoo. Garlic can be used with coconut oil. Crush or grind the garlic and boil it with coconut oil. Once it cools down massage your scalp with it.

Use eggs: Eggs are also rich in Sulphur and they can be applied directly on your hair. They are also rich in protein and several minerals which are beneficial for hair regrowth. The best way to use eggs on hair is by mixing them with olive oil.

Procerin Remedy

Procerin too is a good remedy for men to treat hair loss. It has natural herbs and minerals which promote hair regrowth. If you are asking, “does Procerin for men really work?” the answer is yes. It has been observed that it has worked for over 90 percent of the men who used it.

Procerin is a cost effective way of treating hair loss and the best thing about it is that it does not have any side effects. It is highly recommended that you try this treatment before going for any surgeries.

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